Pancakes and Pajamas

Ashton’s class at church had a party on Friday night entitled Pancakes and Pajamas.  All the kids dressed in their PJs, ate pancakes, read If You Give a Pig a Pancake, played games, sang songs…had a great time!  It’s not very often she gets to participate in something without her sisters, so this was a treat.  The sisters spent a majority of the afternoon getting her ready for the event:  picking out pajamas and matching slippers, necklaces and bracelets, lip gloss, and pig tails!

Two down…one to go!

We painted McKenna’s room, and now we’ve finished painting Libbie’s room.  I’m tired of painting…but we’ve got one more girl’s room to go!  Here’s a pic of Libbie’s finished product.  Ashton’s is next – pink walls with big brown and pink flowers…hmmmm….